Being guilty of not updating this blog or posting very often at all, I thought it time to provide an update on MGX activity.
What has been experienced all over the world over the last 12 months cant go unmentioned, and whilst the dawn appears to be breaking in the UK regarding the COVID19 pandemic, other parts of the world are not so lucky, and the effects of the pandemic will be felt for years to come i'm sure. MGX have been fortunate to be able to support existing clients via remote means during the period, and continues to be largely involved in supporting the accreditation of certification bodies in the UK and overseas, as well as assisting overseas accreditation bodies in the last 12 months in developing their capabilities.
The last 12 months has seen a rapid adoption of remote audit and remote assessment techniques driven by necessity of the current pandemic. This move carried some perceived risks, however 12 months on the processes of remote audit appear well adopted and embedded by certification bodies and certified clients alike. Having observed remote audits it has been demonstrated that the approach can work, even in high complex manufacturing environments with security sensitivities, and deliver an audit which might have been exactly as would have been conducted on site. Whilst remote auditing removes the auditors peripheral vision, a well directed audit approach based on risk, performance and customer requirements can still deliver robust audit.
So whilst the last 12 months have been the most challenging for any industry in living memory, there is a sense of optimism of new ways of working moving forward, and MGX continue to be available to support via on site or remote means.