MGX are delighted to be able to offer training utilising the IAQG's Supply Chain Management Handbook. The IAQG Supply Chain Management Handbook is an excellent resource for training in quality management, tools and techniques recognised and utilised by the aerospace industry, and the training material is freely available via the IAQG website.
Note that this is NOT IAQG sanctioned training, and MGX are not endorsed by the IAQG in any way, however MGX have been given permission to facilitate training utilising the freely available SCMH material. Individuals and organisations can of course freely obtain this material, however self learning can be tricky at times and as such MGX are offering facilitated training given by experienced quality management professionals with relevant aerospace knowledge and experience who will be able to illuminate some of the more advanced tools and concepts.
If you are interested in this facilitated SCMH training then please get in touch.